I've continued to use the same setting, though added another room to it, and a few puzzles. It's more of a story game though, rather than a puzzle one. Still a bit railroaded, but hopefully qualifying as interactive fiction. The game can be won in a minimum of 15 moves, as below: examine door examine door unlock door open door n u open cupboard smash globe search leaves turn handle examine desk open drawer get glass examine book say oidhche mhath I've added scoring now and each time the player shifts to a new location the score goes up by 5 points. Maximum score by the end is 15 points. My additions re the player character are very light, but picked up occasionally in changes of room (for example climbing up into the tower), and using the mirror (try "look in mirror"). And the very end of course. The game is written in Inform 7 on a Mac. Copy and paste the source from a text editor into Inform to compile it and play with it.